Save the date!! April 5th, 6:30-8:00pm Charter Rep Training
This will be a Zoom remote meeting. Please contact scouting@scd.org for information!
The chartered organization representative is a member of the chartered organization (ie parish or school) and the liaison to all of its scouting youth ministries. The chartered organization representative is appointed by the head of the institution, or executive officer, and serves as the connecting link between the institution and the ministry. A chartered organization may operate a Scouts BSA Troop, Cub Scout Pack, Venturing crew, Girl Scouts USA Troop, or American Heritage Girls Troop. All of these programs would be served by the same chartered organization representative whose primary function is to ensure that the chartered organization's scouting youth programs succeed. This individual may also serve on the troop committee, is the chartered organization's representative to the local organization's committee (i.e. District Committee for BSA), and in the case of BSA is a voting delegate at the local council's annual meeting. A unit commissioner may be assigned by the local organizations council to help the units succeed. He or she will periodically visit unit meetings as well as be available to unit leaders and unit committees. The local organization will often provide specialized help with youth advancement, camping, and adult training. The responsibilities of the chartered organization representative include the following:
- Encourage unit leaders to take training.
- Promote well-planned unit programs.
- Organize enough units to meet need.
- Promote recruiting new youth members.
- Encourage transition from one program level to the next.
- Assist in annual unit charter renewal.
- Suggest service projects that benefit your organization and its community.
- Encourage regular unit committee meetings.
- Encourage active outdoor unit programs.
- Promote earning advancement, including religious awards, and recognition of leaders.
- Approve unit finance policies.
- Represent the charter organization to the local program district or council
The Catholic Committee on Scouting provides training to Charter Representatives that augments materials available from each program, with information specific to scouting in the Catholic Church. Watch for invitations as dates for this training are scheduled!