Closure of All Diocesan Schools and Move to Online Learning effective today, March 13, 2020

Dear Catholic School Community:

In the interest of doing our part to slow the onset of COVID-19 and in keeping with action taken by public health authorities, numerous school districts, and other dioceses throughout the state, Bishop Jaime Soto has decided to close all schools of the Diocese of Sacramento, effective with the end of the school day today, March 13, 2020, for a minimum of two weeks. This closure includes any planned school events, including fundraisers, community events, and field trips. School buildings will not be open to children, parents, or community members during this time. Teachers will send your students home with the books and materials they need for distance learning. Depending on the plans of your individual school, your student may also come home with a school tablet or device - please know that the device is on loan to your family for the duration of the campus closure to make sure that your student can be in communication with his or her teacher and class.

As of now, no students, teachers, or staff members have tested positive for COVID-19. We have had several community members express specific concerns about exposure, and closing now helps us mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and make an orderly transition to distance learning.

The intention of the closure is to slow the progression of COVID-19 so as to not inundate our medical system with the most severe cases at the same time. We are sensitive to the hardship that this temporary closure will cause for families and do not take our duty lightly; our priority is the health and safety of our children and school community members.

Please do your best to keep your children home and away from public settings. Social distancing only works when we all commit to doing it. If your student or a family member receives a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, please inform your school’s principal immediately. Because public health policy continues to evolve, we have not yet set a firm date for a return to classroom instruction. Your school principal and I will be in regular communication with you as the situation develops and we work toward reopening our campuses to the community.

We appreciate your support making sure that children have the necessary materials at home to continue their learning. We highly encourage all parents to immerse themselves in their child’s daily religion lessons. This is a perfect time for family catechesis and, especially during this difficult time, much needed additional family prayer. We have created a webpage on the diocesan website with information and updates for Church ministries, and links to information from public health authorities as they update their protocols. That website is:

We ask the intercession of our Blessed Mother for those touched by this illness.

Lincoln Snyder
Superintendent and Executive Director of Schools
The Diocese of Sacramento