Bishop Jaime Soto's homily from midnight Mass on Christmas

¿Porque la aparición de un ángel? ¿Porque la presencia de los
coros angélicos? Los seres celestiales siempre tienen su lugar alrededor
del trono de Dios. Sí, es cierto. Donde está Dios siempre están
presentes sus ángeles.

La proclamación del ángel y las voces melódicas del cielo nos han
señalado que el cielo ha bajado a la tierra. Jesús, el hijo de Dios ha
hecho su trono en un pesebre. Vino para traernos la misericordia, la
sabiduría, y el gozo de los cielos. Quien conoce a Jesús ha comenzado a
experimentar el reino de los cielos. Quien camina con Jesús está ya en
la compañía celestial. Todos que alaban a Dios están cantando en
armonía con el mismo coro que acompañó a Jesús y la sagrada familia
aquella primera noche buena.

Reconozcamos la dichosa gracia de la venida de Jesús. Entre
todos los regalos navideños, apreciemos, sobre todo, la entrega divina
brindada a nosotros por Jesucristo, nuestro Señor.

The shepherds were keeping the night watch over their flocks.
Perhaps, some were huddled around a fire while others cast their
weary eyes over the flocks, their ears keen to any unwelcome rustle
that might signal the approach of a ravenous intruder. Were it a clear

night with the glow of a full moon hovering above, its soft light would
ease their vigil, revealing the contours of the sheep resting on the hills
bleating softly. Even with such lunar luster, the brighter stars of the
milky way silently sparkled across the canvas of the deep velvet sky.

To them, an angel came heralding the dawning of a new horizon,
a vast and brilliant horizon, that then glimmered so tenderly in the
arms of Mary. The heavenly messenger’s dazzling appearance startled
the shivering shepherds. More than the cold, they trembled,
frightened by his unearthly glow and a voice that shook their hearts
with a sound not heard since the beginning of creation.

Suddenly, the curtain between heaven and earth was drawn back
revealing an unimaginable splendor as a multitude of the heavenly host
sang the eternal hymn: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace
to those on whom his favor rests.”

“A savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord.” With the
birth of the Lord Jesus, heaven has become part of earth. This was
what the shepherds witnessed. The joy of heaven was wrapped in
swaddling clothes and laid in a manger.

The Christmas proclamation by the heavenly hosts signaled the
eruption of eternity into time. There, the angelic hosts endlessly sing

the praises of God around his almighty throne. Jesus, the son of the
most high God made his throne in manger bringing with him mercy,
wisdom, and gladness of heaven. Where else would the angels sing,
but in the presence of their Lord?

There was no room for Mary, Joseph, and their newborn child.
Where could there be room enough for heaven? Not even the night
sky could contain the celestial glee of God’s coming to earth.

In this time, busy with the exchange of gifts, do not miss the
eternal gift of heaven brought by the Son of God born to us as the Son
of Mary. He brings us the mercy, wisdom and joy of heaven, placing
himself before us. His throne is now this altar.

All our rightful songs and praises this evening echo what has been sung for all eternity: Glory
to God in the highest. May his glad favor rest always in our hearts and
carry us day by day to the forever delight of our eternal home in