Lay Mission Project

The Church needs passionate and holy lay Catholics to evangelize the secular world. But for the most part, the Church has not adequately formed the laity toward this end, and many have become lukewarm and are drifting into complete mediocrity and indifference. The Church will never fully realize its calling without a devout and passionate laity, which is why Bishop Soto has brought the Lay Mission Project to the diocese of Sacramento, and is offering it to ALL parishes for FREE! 

The Lay Mission Project is a ministry committed to igniting the lay vocation. It offers formation and education to help lay Catholics fulfill their God-given mission, and helps lay Catholics learn what it means to evangelize the world. 

Participants of the Lay Mission Project often report radical changes in their faith almost immediately. Where they used to be timid or unsure, they become confident and knowledgeable within weeks. Their prayer lives grow, and they feel part of a faith community that gives them a foundation for the evangelization of the rest of their lives. Bishop Soto wants this for all parishes in the Diocese, and he encourages you to offer it in yours! 

24 September – Application Deadline

14 October – Kickoff Retreat