St. Joseph Church
Sacramento - California

Ministry Days is the largest gathering of ministers, catechists and Catholic school teachers in the Diocese of Sacramento.  The event is an excellent opportunity to network with others who…
Christian Brothers High School
Sacramento - California

Reflect, Repent and Be Renewed, a Eucharistic Gathering is an opportunity for the teens in attendance to be in the presence and hear from other Diocesan youth about the Eucharistic Jesus.  
Sacred Heart Parish, Anderson, CA
Anderson - California

Join us at this event for youth by youth. Where we will have the opportunity to experience the real presence in the Eucharist!
Sacred Heart, Anderson
Anderson - California

"I have come
State Theater
Red Bluff - California

"I have come
Christian Brother High School
Sacramento - California

"I have come
Christian Brother High School
SACRAMENTO - California

"I have come
St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School
Vallejo - California